Monday, January 4, 2010

Farewell Daly College!

135 days ago I arrived at Daly College and that very first morning in the morning assembly, Mr. Singh, after introducing me to you, asked if I wanted to say a few words. With much trepidation I made a promise to you to make every moment of my stay with you count. And 135 days later I am here to tell you that I did. The lessons that I learned are far more than what I have taught you. I am leaving DC much richer than I have come. I have seen a method of teaching that is so drastically different from the one I know.
Everyone asks: “Which method is better?” At first I was at a loss for word to answer that question. But now after this short time at your institution, I can answer categorically not one is better than the other. In America we encourage strongly the individual development of the child. In India, you follow a very prescribed curriculum which gives a very strong base to the child. A balance between the two would be the ideal. I hope Mrs. Badhwar and I, as we go back into our respective teaching world, are able to find this balance. My task will be easier than hers because America is so open to new ideas that they will welcome what I have to bring. Remember, we are a much younger system than you are!
I want to end by saying thank you to All at Daly College.
M. Singh, the Principal. M. Potty and all the administrative Staff. Thank you for making the transition so easy.
All the teachers who have made me feel so welcome.
The student body, your “Good Morning, Mam!” will be with me forever.
The custodian, cafeteria staff for all their help.
M. Chouhan and Nahran, you will be sorely missed on lab days!
And now, this is where I hope I don’t break down: Mrs. Karr, Mr Moyde, Mam Kirti, Neera, Madhouri, our sessions around the huge desk in the chemistry lab are the dearest moments of my stay in DC. Thank You!!
We have a saying in Miami “Mi casa es tu casa”. Remember if ever anyone of you comes to Florida, “My Home is your Home.” You have an Old Dalian in Miami, after all!
Now, if I may, I have a few slides of my school in Miami I’d like to share with you.

These are my final words to the student body at morning assembly. I have to concentrate on the joy of seeing the family State side again to make leaving this "family" easier! When I left in August, I knew I would be seeing them again. Now, I don't know if I ever will see the Daly Community again! Another Fulbrighter had a beautiful thought on her blog. I am quoting her: "When you leave someone’s home in South India, it is customary to say “Poitu varain,” which is Tamil for, “I will go and come back.” In return, your host responds, “Poitu vanga,” meaning, “Please go and come back.”" Isn't that a much better way of parting with friends?! So, India "Till we meet again."


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it...................................................................
