Lots are happening in the next few days. Tomorrow is Open House. I am terrified! I know the name of about 5 students. How will I discuss with any intelligence the progress of (or lack of!) the students in my care?! One teacher suggested I say to the parents, if their child is not with them, that I won't speak to them unless they come with their child!! Just kidding!! :-)
So after Open House, Kahlil and I are off to see the caves of Ajanta and Eloa. This week-end we have a 3-day week-end. Super! The reason for the holiday is not quite clear to me. It is called Navarathri, which literally means nine nights. On the last day there is a fierce battle between the goddess, Durga and an evil man. Of course good wins over evil. During these nine days, lots of festivities go on. They have the "gurba dances" every night. We went twice with colleagues. Superb. Extravagant. An incredible discharge of energy, form both dancers and spectators. Pictures are posted on FaceBook. So the last day of the festivities will be on Monday the 28th. At that time the evil king will be burned in all the cities. We hope to see this!
Since I did such a terrible job at explaining what the Festivity is all about, let me include some pictures! The dances and the statue of the goddess, Durga.
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